Pupuseria El Rincon Salvadoreno
Beef Soup - Sopa de Res
Beef Soup - Sopa de Res
Our beef soup is made fresh daily with organic ingredients that include potatoes, carrots, zucchini, and a slice of corn cob. Served with freshly chopped cilantro and onions, jalapeños, and quartered limes as condiments for the soup. Also sides with rice and 5 white corn tortillas. Optional: We also can make handmade corn tortillas instead of the white corn tortillas.
Nuestra sopa de res se prepara diariamente con ingredientes organicas que incluyen papas, zanahorias, ayote, y un elote. Acompañado con cilantro y cebolla recien picadas, jalapeños, y limones como condimentos para la sopa. Tambien se acompaña un side de arroz y 5 tortillas de maiz blanco. Opcional: Tambien podemos hacer tortillas de maiz hecho a mano en lugar de las tortillas de maiz blanco.
To Order - Para Ordenar
Call our restaurant to make an order by pick-up only. Payment through phone will be required when making an order. Restaurant Phone: (612) 728-5442.
Llama a nuestro restaurante para hacer un pedido solo para recoger. Se requerirá el pago por teléfono al hacer un pedido. Numero de Restaurante: (612) 728-5442.
*DISCLAIMER* Since we are a Hispanic Small Business restaurant our staff does speak prominently Spanish. Though they do know some English we are asking to please bear with us when ordering through the phone. We are doing our best to accommodate all languages in this time. Sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for understanding.
DoorDash Delivery or Pick-up: There is a delivery fee when ordering. Hay una tarifa de envio para hacer pedidos.
DoorDash StoreFront Delivery or Pick-up: No fee. No hay tarifa.
GrubHub Delivery or Pick-up: There is a delivery fee when ordering. Hay una tarifa de envio para hacer pedidos.
UberEats Delivery or Pick-up: There is a delivery fee when ordering. Hay una tarifa de envio para hacer pedidos.
Clover Online or Google Online Pick-up Only. No fee. No hay tarifa.